ELCNS (anciennement NSELC) Site Web et initiatives à venir

Partagé par l'AAEPNE au nom d'ELCNS (disponible en anglais uniquement)

What’s New and Upcoming with the

Educational Leadership Consortium of Nova Scotia (ELCNS)

formerly the Nova Scotia Educational Leadership Consortium (NSELC)


  • The Education Leadership Consortium of Nova Scotia (ELCNS), formerly the Nova Scotia Education Leadership Consortium (NSELC), is dedicated to promoting awareness and professional practice among all partners in education by focusing and strengthening educational leadership that is consistent with inclusive and equitable education.
  • Our leadership opportunities, which are made possible through the collaborative pooling of resources and databases from partner organizations, have one overarching goal: to enhance effective education for students in Nova Scotia.
  • Our partners include: all Regional Centres for Education/Board, the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (EECD), Universities (with Education programs), Nova Scotia Teachers Union (NSTU), Public School Administrators Association of Nova Scotia (PSAANS), Atlantic Provinces Special Education Authority (APSEA), Black Educators Association (BEA), Mi’kmaw Kina’matnewey (MK)
  • Our organization is known widely for our leadership and professional learning opportunities such as:  Instructional Leadership Academy, Aspiring Leaders Program and a variety of modules and conferences.
  • The ELCNS has a newly developed Leadership Success Plan (similar to a school-based Student Success Plan or a Regional/Board System Improvement Plan) which is comprised of three components that collectively promote equity and equip education leaders with the tools to enhance education: Organization and Governance; Professional Learning; and a review of Aspiring Leaders Program and Instructional Leadership Academy.
  • As part of ELCNS’s Strategic Plan, we have re-visioned our brand and program offerings and are excited to announce the anticipated launch of our new, enhanced website on February 1, 2021. This website is consistent with our new brand, an overview of our newly developed Leadership Success Plan and updates on program offerings available to administrators and teachers on the path to becoming administrators.
  • Our new website, launching February 1, 2021 will be a modern, user-friendly resource where administrators and those on the path to becoming administrators can access ELCNS leadership opportunities and resources to enhance their skills and, in turn, the effective education for Nova Scotian students.
  • We cannot wait to show you our new website as we embark on this new chapter in enhancing education. Our hope is that it demonstrates the revitalization of the ELCNS brand and programs in alignment with policies and priorities of our partners. To learn more about the resources and programs available to you, visit www.elcns.ca on February 1, 2021
  • For additional information about ELCNS and what lies ahead for us during this exciting time of transition, please contact: Stephanie Isenor-Ryan, Executive Director of ELCNS at sisenorryan@nselc.ca
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