About Us
Public School Administrators Association of Nova Scotia
As the Board of Directors of an inclusive and professional association, our mission is to represent the diverse interests and voices of educational administrators at the school and regional levels whose leadership is central to building strong systems and strong schools, where staff and student success are the priorities. We’ve identified the following priorities to guide our work.
PSAANS Priorities

Education and Professional Excellence
Strengthening and promoting excellence in education

Negotiation and Advocacy
Negotiation and Advocacy Negotiating on behalf of members to gain improvements in the Terms and Conditions of employment, as well as compensation and benefits directly for administrators or as a result of affiliation with the NSTU.

Building Relationships and Instilling Confidence
Fostering positive relationships among and between administrators, as well as the broader educational community and instilling confidence in the profession.

Support and Protection
Providing support and protective services for members in order to enhance effective leadership that promotes the recruitment and retention of leaders.