Message from the Chair: Compensation Framework

June 29, 2023

Dear PSAANS Member,

The Government of Nova Scotia has released the salary bands for the new Non-Union Compensation Framework. We have worked closely with the Government to ensure key principles are included in the framework. These principles include compensation for the complexity of roles, addressing salary compression, retroactive implementation from August 2nd, 2022, and ensuring no one will have their salary reduced.  We are pleased to confirm that these priorities are central to the new framework. The salary bands will have several positive impacts:

1. Approximately 88% of PSAANS members fall within the salary range of the new band structure and will see an immediate increase in their compensation. Of the approximately 9% of PSAANS members who are red-circled, 88% are within 5% of the top of their band.  

2. Each band offers room for growth, with 21 steps available for administrators to progress within their current band or, upon promotion, move to a higher band.

3. Limiting salary compression will improve the recruitment and retention of administrators, ensuring fair compensation for the complexity of their work.

4. The new framework establishes a province-wide job assessment process that uses the Hay method to evaluate job complexity and provides coherent and consistent compensation practices for administrators across the province.

For any questions or concerns related to the implementation of the new Compensation Framework’s impact on your compensation, please visit the DEECD website, connect with your RED/Superintendent or HR Director or reach out to PSAANS  via email at

Thank you for your ongoing support.


Dr. Scott Armstrong
