Statement – Protests Against 2SLGBTQIA+ Community

Dear PSAANS member,

Today, across Canada, there was a series of protests against the way schools acknowledge and support our 2SLGBTQIA+ community.  As the voice of Educational Leaders in Nova Scotia, we condemn the biased and prejudiced nature of these protests.

Our schools need to be a place where all of our students feel safe and supported.  Events like this threaten the very core of what the Public School Administrators Association of Nova Scotia represents.

We encourage you all to continue to support all of your students, and staff, to the very best of your ability.  In the face of hatred, hope is needed and your leadership provides that hope to your school community.

On behalf of the PSAANS Board of Directors, we stand behind your actions to support the well-being and safety of all of your students no matter how they identify.


Scott Armstrong, B.A., M.S., Ph.D
